Glossary of terms used on this site

GLOSSARY © Taylor Hinton | iStockPhoto

glos·sa·ry: a collection of brief explanations (as in the margin or between the lines of a text) of difficult or obscure words or expressions. has provided this glossary of Hebrew and Greek words to aid our readers in the understanding of key concepts used on the site.



Term Main definition


daven- A Yiddish term meaning "to pray" almost exclusively in reference to specific prayers (Shacharit, Minchah, Maariv) offered at specific times throughout the day: morning, afternoon, and evening.  Pronounced DAH ven.



deuterocanonical- of, relating to, or constituting the books of Scripture contained in the Septuagint but not in the Hebrew canon

[Merriam-Webster online:]



The children of Israel living outside of the Land of Israel.  The diaspora began with the Babylonian exile in 586 BCE, diminished during the original return, then increased greatly after the expulsion by Rome in 70AD.