Glossary of terms used on this site

GLOSSARY © Taylor Hinton | iStockPhoto

glos·sa·ry: a collection of brief explanations (as in the margin or between the lines of a text) of difficult or obscure words or expressions. has provided this glossary of Hebrew and Greek words to aid our readers in the understanding of key concepts used on the site.



Term Main definition


ketubah- A Hebrew word meaning "writing" or "document" in general and often specifically referring to a "marriage contract".  It outlines the details of the marriage: who is marrying whom, the husband's responsibilities to the wife, and the wife's responsibilities to the husband.  Pronounced keh TOO bah. Plural ketubot.




Ketuvim- A plural Hebrew noun meaning "Writings".  It is one of the words that forms the acronym "TaNaKh" used to describe the Hebrew Scriptures.  It refers to the Psalms, Proverbs, and other, non-prophetic books of Scripture. Singular "ketav".  Strongs #3789.  Pronounced keh too VEEM.




kiddush- A Hebrew word meaning "set apart" or "sanctified".  It often refers to the traditional ceremony marking a special time such as the weekly Shabbat.  Plural "kiddushin".  Strongs #6945.  Pronounced KID ush.




kohen- The Hebrew word for priest: "one who is mediating".  Strongs #3548.  Pronounced KOH hen.  Plural "kohenim".